Brazenhead 101
The Brazen Head Bar in Crestwood, Illinois is named after Ireland’s oldest pub, dating back to 1198.
Weekly Drink
The Brazen Head Bar in Crestwood, Illinois is named after Ireland’s oldest pub, dating back to 1198.
Open Bar Party
If you are looking to plan an exciting and cost effective night out with friends or coworkers, look no further.
Brazen History
How it all started
The Brazen Head Bar in Crestwood, Illinois is named after Ireland’s oldest pub, dating back to 1198.
If you consider that licensing laws only came into effect in 1635, this pub has been serving alcohol long before the laws were even enacted !!
At this time, soldiers on lookout at this bridge tended to warm their hands over burning barrels referred to as “braziers.” Hence the term, “braziers head” came about.